Rape Is Only Funny if You Rape a Clown

Rape isn't funny...

unless you're raping a clown.

My computer won't shut down

I'm considering just legitimately raping it.

Little Johnny goes to his parents' room to say goodnight

He walks in and sees them having sex. They continue and Johnny runs out of the room. When they are finished, Johnny's mom tells the dad to talk to Johnny about what happened. The dad looks all over the house, but can't find Johnmy,. Finally, he goes in the kitchen and sees Johnny raping the grandmother. The dad tells "SON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Johnny says, "Don't like it when it's your mom, do you?"

Raping joke, Little Johnny goes to his parents' room to say goodnight

Who is this Rorschach guy?

And why does he keep drawing pictures of me raping small animals?

Tasteless Joke

Whats the hardest part about raping a deaf girl?

Breaking her fingers so she doesn't tell anyone.

An inmate from a mental asylum escaped and started raping people.

The next day headlines read : Nut bolts and screws.

Joan Rivers comes back from the dead and...

...accused Bill Cosby of drugging and raping her.

Raping joke, Joan Rivers comes back from the dead and...

American, English and Russian governments...

American, English and Russian governments passed laws about mandatory raping of every citizen on Saturdays.
Americans made a revolution, Brits reelected their parliament and Russians began queing on Fridays evening not to waste the whole weekend.

Two nuns are walking through a forest...

...when two men catch them and strip them naked before raping them.

One of the nuns starts praying: "God, please forgive them, as they don't know what they're doing!"

To which the other nun says: "This one does!"

Two nuns were out walking in the woods

When two thugs jumped out from behind a bush and started raping the nuns, the first nun started praying to God, asking him to forgive the men as they knew not what they were doing, the second nun turned to the first and told her, yours might not know what he is doing but mine sure does.

What's the difference between raping and rapping?

One's mostly done by criminals in shady neighborhoods, and the other is sex without consent.

You can explore raping rape reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean raping robbery dad jokes. There are also raping puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

How do you know when an Australian prisoner is raping another prisoner?

When they're in an inmate mate

What happens when 2 feminists have sex?

Who's raping who?

"Why does the Mexican Olympic Team suck?"

"Because anyone who can run, jump or swim is already here, raping and killing Americans"

-Donald Trump

A catholic priest was found guilty of raping a little girl. The judge asked him if he had any last words

The priest replied, "Sorry, I thought it was a boy."

Donut Man

What did the donut delivery man say to the guy who was raping and murdering his entire family?

"Please donut do that"

Raping joke, Donut Man

Why does Chris O'Donnell not wear shoes?

Because it reminds him of Joel Schumacher, the man responsible for raping his career.

Optimist: "This glass is half full"

Pessimist: "This glass is half empty"

Feminist: "This glass is raping me"

What your glass says about your personality

Optimism- The glass is half full
Pessimist- The glass is half empty
Feminist- The glass is raping me

Two english men

Two english men discover a forbidden island and come across a tribe of big masculine men.

The tribe takes the english men hostage and offer them one of two options; death or bullar.

The english men ask "what is bullar?"

The leader of the tribe states "each of us get to take turns raping you. So what'll it be?"

The first english man goes "well i dont want to die, so i guess i choose bullar" and each member of the tribe has a go at him.

The second english man says "well that looked terrible so i guess i choose death"

The tribes people yell "okay, death by bullar"

I'm not proud of it but I used the date rape drug last night...

All it did was make me tired. I wasn't able to get any of my raping done.

What is worse than raping a deaf-mute girl?

Breaking her fingers so she won't tell nobody.

A man was found guilty of raping a young boy

I guess you could say that's where he made a cardinal error.

why did the man throw the clock out the window

because it reminded him of richard clock. the man accused of knife raping his wife

We need a wall on our southern border to keep out the filthy, raping, murdering savages

Keep the Yankees out of our glorious country!

We might be small and weak but at least we are actually a democracy!

Rape isn't funny...

Unless you're raping a clown! Haha!

...The real joke is in 10 years imma get fired for this post

Two nuns walking down the road

Two nuns walking down the road and 2 guys suddenly jump infront of them and start raping them thhe first nun is completly shocked so she prays and say: "forgive them god they don't know what are they doing" seconds after the other says: "Oh this one does".

What's worse than raping Helen Keller

Breaking her fingers so she can't tell anybody.

I was ramming this lady, then I heard her scream and she said

Stop raping me!

In my experiance black people have been really nice to me.

When a bunch of black guys were raping me i said i was thirsty, and they promptly satiated my thirst. What a bunch of gentlemen.

(18+) What's the worst part about raping a deaf woman?

Breaking her fingers so she can't tell the police..

Dolphins are the Ted Bundy of the animal kingdom

Raping murdering psychopaths, but white women love them.

Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Many of the raping robberies jokes and puns are jokes supposed to be funny, but some can be offensive. When jokes go too far, are mean or racist, we try to silence them and it will be great if you give us feedback every time when a joke become bullying and inappropriate.

We suggest to use only working raping procreation piadas for adults and blagues for friends. Some of the dirty witze and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh.


Source: https://jokojokes.com/raping-jokes.html

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